Enjoy California Sunshine in a jar!

Honey is a proven effective cough remedy for children.

Doctors, parents and children can all agree that a child's cold (or in medical terms (URI) viral upper respiratory infection) can bring misery for all involved, causing coughing, runny nose, and lack of/or interrupted sleep.

But today’s parents don’t have many options to treat their children. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medicines don't work for children younger than 6 years and may pose risks.(1) The FDA takes a similar stance and recommends against use of OTC cough and cold medications in children younger that 2 years.(2) Did you know that in a 3-year span (2005-2008) the American Association of Poison Control Centers received 64,658 calls for exposures to cough and cold remedies in children younger than 2 years of age, 28 of which resulted in a major adverse reaction or death.(3) So the challenge is how to help ease the symptoms without doing additional harm. 

What about Honey?
Honey is an option that can reduce the severity and frequency of cough in children 2yrs and up, without side-effects. Multiple studies have evaluated honey and found it to be superior to no treatment, and equal to dextromethorphan (a cough-suppressant used in many products from Mucinex to NyQuil to Vicks).(4) In addition, the most recent unbiased study I could find (publ.January 2017) suggest that honey may provide better cough relief than Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) in children and improve the sleep quality of children and their parents.(5)

Honey is known to have both antioxidant and antimicrobial properties - a possible scientific explanation for its effect. For this reason it is important to be sure that you are using pure, raw honey that still has all of the natural benefits in place. BTW… did you know that True Gold Honey is 100% pure raw honey? It is!

The good news!
Honey is safe for children over 1 yr, has no side-effects, is low-cost, and readily available! The best part? It taste good and is easy to prepare and administer: The recommended dosage is 1.5 teaspoons of honey before bed.

If True Gold Honey isn’t already in your pantry, just check out our website truegoldhoney.com  😃 
*Do not give honey to babies under 1yr of age because of the risk of botulism.
Please contact us for links to any or all of the studies referenced above.

Know someone who would love to learn about the relief honey might bring? Please pass this along.