Enjoy California Sunshine in a jar!

Honeyed Carrot “Fettuccine” with Noodles

A delicate vegetarian dish of honeyed and spiced carrots cut in thin strands and tossed with the noodles. Serve with plenty of grated Parmesan cheese, or without cheese as an accompanying vegetable.  Paglia e fieno are thin green snd white ribbon noodles, made with spinach and egg.

1 1/4 lb carrots

1/4 cup butter

3 tablespoons water


a small knob fresh ginger root, grated or 1/2 tsp ground

2 teaspoons True Gold Honey Orange Blossom Honey

juice of 1/2 orange

4-5 tablespoons heavy cream or creme fraiche

1 lb thin noodles or paglia e fieno


Peel thin fettuccine-like strands off the carrots with a vegetable peeler, leaving the yellow woody centers behind. 

Cook the carrots in a wide pan with the butter, water, salt, ginger, honey and juice over moderate heat for 5-6 minutes, or until the water is evaporated and the carrots barely tender. Stir in the cream.

Meanwhile, boil the pasta until just al dente, then drain, return to the pan. Toss the carrots in with the pasta.

Serves 4

From cookbook ‘Honey, From Hive to Honeypot’  by Sue Style