Enjoy California Sunshine in a jar!

True Gold Honey - Orange Blossom 42 Oz
True Gold Honey - Orange Blossom 12 Oz
True Gold Honey - Orange Blossom 6 Oz
Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Pure Raw Unfiltered

Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Pure Raw Unfiltered

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Orange Blossom is a radiant golden honey with a sweet citrusy scent and a light zesty flavor. A unique honey, it can only be harvested where the weather is mild enough for orange trees to survive. Our home is surrounded by orange groves, so our Orange Blossom Honey is literally produced in our own backyard.

Orange Blossom is delightful on toast, an english muffin, or hot cereal. You can also eat it straight from the jar for a morning burst of energy and many people take it for allergy relief.

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